GUEST BLOG from Jane Buggle: Desert Island Books

Time Travel and Alternate Realities I have superpowers. My practice of reading has developed my abilities to time travel and to inhabit alternate realities on a daily basis. Some nights, I read for hours and on others, I dip in for just a few minutes. Sometimes, one-eyed reading leads to re-reading with a vague sense of deja vu the following night. This habit of mine has brought me on adventures with the Famous Five, right onto the prairie with Laura Ingalls Wilder and Across the Barricades with Kevin and Sadie. I know What Katie Did and what she did next. As a teenager, I travelled with Bilbo and Frodo and I inhabited the dark corridors of Gormenghast with its gothic language and array of slippery characters. Later on, I was On the Road and with the Subterraneans and Dharma Bums. I watched out over Bohane with Sweet Baba Jay, and I, too, sat with Siddhartha by the river. I lived through War and Peace , pitied Raskolnik...